Spring Driving Tips for A Safer Ride
Driving requirements change with the season. Your car needs a different overhaul to drive in different conditions. This also means that the way you drive your car is different as well in different seasons. Spring is in full swing and the weather is unpredictable. Once you have outfitted your car with all the necessary car accessories from your local auto parts store you are ready for the road. Driving in different conditions during the spring season can be a little tricky. These tips are not only for spring but also applies to your regular driving as well. Here is a list of tips for driving during the spring season.
Taking Off Winter Tires
Switching from winter tires during spring can be a bit tricky. Knowing when to switch the tires has often plagued many of us. One day of warm weather isn’t really a good indication of changing tires. A basic rule of thumb that I like using waiting if the weather has been constantly above seven degrees for ten days straight.
Icy Roads
During spring time temperature fluctuates heavily. This is why it is best to know and gain information on the roads before driving. While spring may make ice melt but at night the temperature may have fallen below zero. This means that there was ice on the road. So you have to be careful when driving. Slippery roads are a hazard during this time.
If you are not sure about the grip of the tires of your car or truck, then I suggest you get yourself tires with very good grip from any local car accessories shop. There are plenty online that will give you discounts. Once you get your tires, be wary when turning and adjust your speed because the slippery ice has claimed a lot of vehicles.
Cyclists and Motorists
I’m sure you haven’t seen a cyclist or motorist in months. But spring is when they start coming out. There have been plenty of instances where there where bike-car accidents that turned into a very nasty and fatal affair. So make sure you are careful when turning and navigating through small roads and areas. This is for your and the motorists benefit.

Being Careful in School and Residential Areas
During winter most kids have been cooped up in their house. But in spring though they come out in numbers. Very young children come out to play and may sometimes run on to the road all of a sudden. There may be teenagers who are lost on their phones and pays no heed towards the road. You have to make sure that you pay all your attention on the road because they won’t. This is especially true for residential and school areas. This obviously doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look out for children in other areas though.
Spring can also be called pothole season. Between the freezing and thawing of ice potholes become very hard to spot. Maintain a safe distance from the car in front and always be vigilant about the road as potholes can be devastating to the auto parts of your car.
Spring Flooding
With the constant ice melting and the occasional spring rain it is not uncommon to see spring flooding. This means that there may be roads that will be flooded on route. If the flooding is too much then you should avoid it completely as your car is not really built or hasn’t been modified to drive in flooded areas.
Sandy Roads
During winter roads are often sprayed with salt and sand mixture. This is to provide your car’s tires with greater traction on the ice. However, come spring when the ice has been melted the residual sand can build up on your tire and reduce traction. Make sure that you check for this as well.
Animal Alert
Animals wake up from their hibernation in spring, many even migrate back from one area to other during this time. If you are not focused on the road entirely then you might end up colliding with an unpredictable deer crossing the roads or some other poor critter.
Mindful of The Roads and Conditions
So these are my tips of safety during the spring season. These are to be followed all throughout the year but especially during the spring. Also make sure your car is properly kitted and fixed up. This may mean you buying aftermarket truck/car parts and properly fixing or just doing basic repairs. This will obviously depend on your needs. So when getting out his spring make sure you look into all these tips and follow them for a safer trip.